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July’s Buck Moon Is One of the Brightest of the Year; Here’s How to Take Advantage of It

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This year has been full of change so far, and more is coming in the second half of 2023, according to astrologers’ yearly horoscope predictions. The most recent transformations will be kicked off by July’s full buck moon, which will set you on new paths, whether you intend to make changes or not. But just like any full moon, it’s all up for interpretation.

Each month’s full moon has history, a story, and influence over your life, should you choose to listen to it. That said, July’s buck moon might be a little more persuasive: this full moon is actually a supermoon, meaning its orbit brings it closer to the Earth than any other full moon — which means its effects can be noticeably stronger. This buck supermoon is one of the biggest and brightest full moon of the year, the Old Farmer’s Almanac notes, and you might feel its influence especially acutely.

To find out more about how the buck moon in July got its name, what the spiritual meaning of this moon is, and how it will affect each zodiac sign, we spoke with an expert astrologer.

Why Is It Called the Buck Moon?

The July full moon gets its name from actual bucks, or male deer. According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, “The full Moon in July is called the Buck Moon because the antlers of male deer (bucks) are in full-growth mode at this time. Bucks shed and regrow their antlers each year, producing a larger and more impressive set as the years go by.”

When Is the Full Buck Moon in 2023?

The buck moon will rise on Wednesday, July 3, 2023, at 7:39 a.m. ET. (Of course, it won’t be visible in the night sky until later in the day.)

What Sign Is the Buck Moon in July?

The full buck moon in July is in Capricorn.

What Is the Spiritual Meaning of the Buck Moon?

Astrologer Lisa-Marie Kiss of Be Mindful Studio, says, “The full moon in Capricorn is opposite the sun and Mercury in Cancer. This is the axis that describes our home lives, career, family, nurturing environments, and structures.” Kiss adds that this particular moon calls for change in our lives and listening to our hearts more than ever. “Cancer energy will tell you to stay home and rest,” she continues. “The message is to know when it’s time to slow down, enjoy the moment, and remember the important things in life. Let your mind, body, and soul rest.”

What Does the Buck Moon Mean For Zodiac Signs?


According to Kiss, this is a month to take a really close look at your career and what you’re doing with your life. “This moon will really make you evaluate if you’re in the right job, and if it is truly fulfilling your purpose,” she says. “You could even feel a greater amount of responsibility when it comes to your work or feel like you have more of it.” This could also mean learning that your job isn’t right for you, and a change might be necessary.


Break out this month, and discover something new. There’s a whole world at your feet and so many ways to discover it. “Think travel, learning, school, writing, teaching, or publishing!” Kiss says.


While you might be inclined to skim the surface of everything, take this month to do the opposite. “Think of one thing that intrigues you, or something your curiosity keeps pulling your attention to,” Kiss says. “Stay with that and go deeper.”


Take this month to pour your energy into your relationships. “Is there a partnership in your life, romantic or not, that maybe needs some more attention, or that you’d like deepen? This full moon will aid you in establishing trust and connection with those you feel the safest with,” Kiss says.


Though this is a month for you to help others, you also need to make sure you’re taking care of your own mind, body, and spirit. “Your self-care and health will also be illuminated, because if you don’t have an established routine for yourself, how can you help others?” Kiss asks.


It may not be an easy month for Virgo, but you can and will get through it. “This full moon might bring up an old wound from the past in relation to your inner child,” Kiss shares. “The best way to work with that energy is to work with authentic self-expression, and do something that brought you immense joy as a child.”


Don’t be surprised if you find yourself wanting to be on your own this month. “Make sure you have a safe space during this full moon to maybe hide away,” Kiss says. “It might feel like more of an introverted season for you.”


On the contrary, it’s an extraverted month for Scorpio. According to Kiss, Scorpios are going to want to surround themselves with people, especially under the buck moon. “You’re going to feel a need for a connection somewhere,” Kiss added.


“Taking it slower this full moon and tapping into the present moment with all five senses will help you feel more connected to this universal energy,” Kiss says. Lean into the introspection you’ll be drawn to this month.


Because the buck moon is in Capricorn, it only makes sense that Caps will feel everything heightened this month. “Themes around your identity and purpose will come through,” Kiss says, also noting that the moon will help you feel your authentic self.


If you’ve been feeling like you need to pull away and focus on yourself, now is the time to do it. Healing should be your priority this month. “If needed, allow yourself to tune out from reality in order to process things,” Kiss says. “This moon may bring up some endings or closure for you.”


Evaluate all your relationships this month and step away from what no longer serves you or brings you joy. “Looking at who you align yourself with and any organizations you belong to,” Kiss says. “Make sure everyone is on the same page, and know that it is OK to let go of what isn’t working anymore.”

When Is the Next Full Moon?

The full moon following the buck moon is August’s sturgeon moon on Aug. 1, 2023. The next buck moon is on July 21, 2024.

