The hidden side of politics

Media engages in ‘hysteria’ over McCarthy victory

Reported by Washington Times:

So how did he do in the press? Newly minted House Speaker Kevin McCarthy drew attentive but predictably critical news coverage following his election to that esteemed position on Capitol Hill.

A few sample headlines from that coverage which surfaced in the last 48 hours:

“Kevin McCarthy’s tarnished triumph” (New York magazine); “McCarthy’s dream job could become a nightmare” (Reuters); “Kevin McCarthy and the return of the pre-Trump GOP” (The New York Times); “McCarthy’s struggles point to troubles ahead for his office, his party and Congress” (National Public Radio); “How McCarthy survived the House chaos to win the speaker’s gavel” (CNN); “What’s in Kevin McCarthy’s deal with conservatives” (The Way Street Journal); “Kevin McCarthy delivers first remarks after winning House Speaker: ‘Our nation is worth fighting for’” (Fox News); “Here are the concessions Kevin McCarthy had to make to become House Speaker” (Mother Jones).

One conservative news organization characterized the coverage as panic in the press.

“Hysteria begins as the reality of a GOP Majority sinks in. This hysteria isn’t actually about it taking three days to pick a Speaker. It’s not even about the rules changes that took place in the House. Rather, it’s about the realization that unfettered leftwing power at the federal level is coming to an end. The hysteria is entertaining, but it’s also tiring and pathetic. The sun will indeed be rising tomorrow, even with Republicans back in charge,” said in an analysis released Sunday.


“Boarder crisis.”

Yes, it’s a pun. This new take of the woes of illegal immigration overtaking New York City comes from The New York Post, which offers the details. The Big Apple is struggling to house some 36,400 migrants who have arrived in the city in the last seven months. The city’s emergency shelters have no rooms available — as in none.

“The influx of migrants into New York has gotten so bad that overfilled transient hotels are telling desperate refugees they should go back to the bus station for further guidance — and the city is scrambling to open more shelters,” the Post said.

“The city has quietly put out a request for bids to open up another mega-shelter,” according to records obtained by The Post.

The request was issued Dec. 28 by the city’s Economic Development Corporation. It also reveals that officials are considering housing the migrants outside the city, in other parts of the state.


One governor overseeing the southern U.S. border is not impressed for President Biden’s Sunday visit to El Paso, Texas. Indeed, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott was apparently left out of the event, and are planning leading up to it.

“During this entire time, Joe Biden has not called me. He did not call me, his staff did not call and let us know either about his visit or to invite us,’ Mr. Abbott told Fox News on Sunday, revealing that an unnamed staffer received a “random email” on Saturday night announcing the president’s plans.

“They have failed to communicate. And, listen, this visit is about two years too late and about $20 billion short of what needs to be done. All he’s going to do down there is rearrange the chairs on the deck of the Titanic. He’s not going to achieve any solutions that will make the border safer, more secure and stop illegal immigration,” Mr. Abbott declared.

The governor is not keen on the White House plan to provide a form of “parole” for illegal Immigrants who seek entry to the U.S.

“Biden’s plan is not border enforcement. It is border crossing enticement. That will do nothing more than entice even more people to be coming across our border. There are things under current law that Biden can and must do,” Mr. Abbott told Fox News.


The 50th March for Life takes place in the nation’s capital on Jan. 20 and will introduce a new route for the thousands of devoted pro-lifers who show up — often in frigid temperatures — to show support for their cause.

“This year we will march past Congress – acknowledging that in a post-Roe America our federal legislators hold an even more critical role — and we will end the march between the Capitol Building and the Supreme Court. In doing so, we will give witness to the legislative and judicial branches to the inherent dignity of the human person in utero,” the organization said in a statement shared with Inside the Beltway.

“Our most important work is changing hearts and minds. The goal of the national March for Life is to not only change laws at the state and federal level, but to change the culture to ultimately make abortion unthinkable,” the organization said.

It has also organized future sister marches in Arizona, California, Connecticut, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia, set to take place in the months of February, March, September and October.


Should you and yours need to travel to some other place for a while, the National Trust for Historic Preservation has you covered.

The organization has a very active, very organized tour division which arranges tours in far flung spots in Asia, Europe, Central and South America, Antarctica, Africa, Asia and North America. Land and rail excursions, river and ocean voyages and private jet tours among the offerings. Visits to historic hotels are also available.

The contact:


34% of U.S. adults expect the U.S. economy to be “in recession” in the next year; 53% of Republicans, 37% of independents and 14% of Democrats agree.

26% expect the economy to be “slowing, but not in recession”: 23% of Republicans, 29% of independents and 25% of Democrats agree.

21% overall say the economy is “holding steady”; 12% of Republicans, 20% of independents and 29% of Democrats agree.

13% say the economy is “growing but not booming”; 9% of Republicans, 10% of independents and 20% of Democrats agree.

6% say the economy is “booming”; 3% of Republicans, 4% of independents and 11% of Democrats agree.

SOURCE: A CBS News poll of 2,144 U.S. adults conducted Jan. 4-6.

• Follow Jennifer Harper on Twitter @HarperBulletin.

Source:Washington Times
