The hidden side of politics

The National Hill

The Price of Google’s New Conveniences? Your Data

Reported by WIRED: For the past 20 years, Google’s mission has been to organize the world’s information. Increasingly, the information it serves…

13 years in, CP3 reaches first conference finals

Reported by ESPN: 12:30 AM ET HOUSTON — Chris Paul, 13 years into his career,…

Video: Federal judge rules Jay-Z must comply with subpoena

ABC Entertainment: Source:ABC Entertainment

Trump to pull out of Iran nuclear deal: Report

Reported by Washington Times: President Trump will announce Tuesday that he is pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal, according to…

Southwest carried more passengers in April, despite fatal accident

Reported by CNBC:  Southwest Airlines carried more passengers last month than in April 2017, but posted a slight decline…

Your Smartphone Choice Could Determine If You’ll Get a Loan

Reported by WIRED: Every time you visit a website, you leave behind a trail of information, including seemingly innocuous data, like whether…

NFL Power Rankings: Biggest risers, fallers after the draft

Reported by ESPN: 7:30 AM ET NFL draft season is over. Now it’s time to make…

Video: Cardi B reveals her ‘weird, crazy, spooky’ pregnancy dreams

ABC Entertainment: Source:ABC Entertainment

Let Your Slow Cooker Do All the Work With These 85 Easy Recipes

Reported by POPSUGAR: Instead of standing over a hot stove after work, come home to a fully prepared meal, thanks to your slow…

Majority owners explore sale of Nascar, sources say

Reported by CNBC:  The majority owners of NASCAR, the company which operates the namesake U.S. car-racing series and other motorsport events, are exploring…