The hidden side of politics

A Black Lab Gets a New Puppy, Dances in Circles From the Excitement, and, OMG, I Can’t Stop Watching

Reported by POPSUGAR:

As a dog owner privy to the joy my 10-year-old Golden Retriever shows when my husband comes home from work, I’ve often wondered what it would be like to get that excited. At anything. She sticks her little nose into the doorway so that he can’t open the door easily, and then jumps up and down, ultimately collapsing in thrill at his feet.

I thought I knew the extent of doggy joy until I saw this popular Twitter thread of a black Labrador named Arden getting a new puppy. The owner sneakily places a box on the grass containing puppy Stella and lets Arden sniff her out. He starts cautiously, then uses his nose to flip the lid off, exposing the best darn gift he’s ever received in his entire doggy life, obviously. Big brother Arden can’t figure out what to do with his body next. He jumps, spins in circles, then does a ceremonial spin-jump around the entire box. Clearly Arden already loves his little sister.

