The hidden side of politics

Starbucks, Target, and 6 Other Stores That Have Changed Their Mask Mandates

Reported by POPSUGAR:

If you haven’t already heard the news, the CDC has officially announced that fully vaccinated individuals (which happens two weeks after your final dose) do not have to wear a mask in most indoor and outdoor settings. While COVID-19 restrictions have been easing in most places due to vaccine distribution, the news came as a confusing thought for many, as most shops have their own policies when it comes to masking. For example, if you’re fully vaccinated, do you still have to wear a mask to your local Walmart? If there’s no mask requirement by state or local officials, there’s a handful of places many of us shop at that are now allowing customers to enter mask-free (if you feel comfortable doing so).

While the rules changes are a long-awaited sign of hope for many, they’re also scary for others who aren’t quite ready to go mask-free. To help you plan out your next few shopping trips, we’ve rounded up a list of stores that have recently eased up on their mask mandates. However, please note that if you’re not fully vaccinated, the CDC recommends you continue to wear a mask to protect yourself and those around you from COVID-19. See all the stores that have updated their mask policies ahead.

